Compostable Bags
Bag to Nature compostable bags offer accelerated biodegradation, turning waste into compost for faster introduction back into the environment. Bag to Nature uses a proprietary blend of biodegradable polymers that BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) has certified to be biodegradable and compostable in accordance to the ASTM D6400 standard. |

Regular price: $4.99
Sale price: $4.26
Bag to Nature Jumbo Kitchen Bags - 15 bags(13 Gallon) - BTNJUMBKIT
Regular price: $7.99
Sale price: $7.83
Regular price: $7.99
Sale price: $7.83
Bag to Nature Leaf and Yard Waste Bags - 10 bags(36 Gallon) - BTNLB
Regular price: $9.99
Sale price: $9.79
Regular price: $9.99
Sale price: $9.79
Green Info
Composting food and yard waste completes a natural cycle of life. By diverting organics to composting facilities municipalities can reduce as much as 40% of the amount of trash going into landfills, incinerators or the oceans resulting in reduced greenhouse gases and the overall impact on the environment. Composting occurs everywhere around us. Plants grow and die, their nutrients are then made available again by returning to the soil.
Composting can happen anywhere in our community, from your backyard to large scale municipal facilities. Many municipalities mandate residents to set aside their yard waste and kitchen scraps for city composting programs. When this valuable organic waste is properly treated and broken down into rich composite it can then be offered or sold back to the community.
Why use Bag To Nature� compostable bags?
Bag To Nature� bags and liners eliminate the mess and odor associated with the collection of organic waste. Having confidence that Bag To Nature� will not sweat, tear, break or fall apart will assure increased participation in all organics collection programs.
What is Bag To Nature� made from?
Bag To Nature� is made from a proprietary blend of BPI certified biopolymers and Nature Works PLA.
What is composting?
Composting is a natural biological process which converts organic material into a stable humus-like product called compost. Various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, break down organic material into simpler substances. Composting is an aerobic process, which means that the microorganisms responsible for composting require oxygen to do their work.
What can be Composted?
Composting has the potential to manage all of the organic material in the waste stream which cannot otherwise be recycled. Some examples of residential organic material that can be composted include food scraps, leaves and yard wastes and paper products.
Why compost?
Diverting organic wastes from landfill sites helps to conserve diminishing landfill space and to reduce the production of leachate and methane gas (both of which add to the cost of operating a landfill). Composting can also produce soil with high quality soil amendment qualities.
Test Conditions: 60� C, 4 weeks
Bag to Nature Compared to the Competition (Unbiased Report)